Miniature Painting - The Perfect Art in Miniature
Summarized briefly, miniature painting could also be a kind of painting that's deeply rooted in many cultures and spans centuries. The Lathams are a family of american artists practicing it in today's modern art market of galleries and exhibitions. As an artist, Rebecca Latham also as her mother, Karen, and sister, Bonnie, strive for detail in their painting. Studying with a Flemish master, they have developed their styles for painting extreme realism. Their works, both large and tiny, are painted "in miniature ". Early Beginnings Miniature painting could also be a standard kind of art that's very detailed, often mentioned as painting or working "in miniature". thanks to their origins as illuminations, they're also painted to possess as smooth of a surface as possible. (It is additionally suggested that miniature art may are influenced by the medals of ancient Rome as well) Miniature art are often traced back to ancient Egyptian manuscript...